"One of the Reason why President Marcos finally declared Martial Law... was because THERE WAS ALREADY A WORKING COALITION BETWEEN LIBERAL PARTY AND THE NPA."
"I did not proclaim Martial law alone. It was made to appear as if, I just signed a decree and said 'I impose Martial Law to each everyone of you' NO. I asked the legislature to please pass a law proclaiming Martial Law because there was anarchy in the Country. Now let me say this, the opposition was strong, and there were members of the security council and somehow they adopted the resolution which required that there be a unanimous vote for the Armed Forces to be able to move and so The Armed Force were immobilized. At the same time I asked the opposition party to come and join me in the coalition of the government. I offered one-half of the cabinet and of course they laughed at me and said 'Why should we join you? we're gonna take the government by the time we are through with the exercise you are dead."
-Ferdinand Marcos
Acc. to Enrile at the time of President Marcos they were able to arrest the leaders, including Joma Sison ang his wife (Juliet) and several of the leading commanders of the communist party and they emasculated the organization. But after EDSA, Cory released all the leaders of Communist Party... that's why Enrile parted ways with Cory.